2012年7月31日 星期二

DHD官方2.3.5 刷官方解鎖後刷法 (unlock bootloader)


  依照以下順序清除,不要多也不要少(以4EXT Recovery為例)
        1)Format System
        2)Format Data
        3)Format Cache
        4)Format Boot
        5)Wipe Data/Factory reset
        6)Wipe Dalvik Cache

2.install zip from sdcard:安裝FULL_WIPE_1.5_EXT4_.zip

3.之後一樣從install zip from sdcard去安裝你要刷的rom
  !!重要!! 裝完後不要直接reboot,不然會卡在bootloop
  關機(power off或拔電池都可以)後再重開進入fastboot選單

  進到android sdk所在的資料夾下
  (例:cd C:\android-sdk_r13-windows\platform-tools)
  執行「fastboot flash boot boot.img」(也就是用電腦把boot.img再刷一次)


2012年7月23日 星期一

安裝SQL SERVER 2008 Express

因為是全新的安裝所以點選右邊畫面的第一項新的SQL Server獨立安裝或將功能加入到現有安裝




版本選擇後,經過了授權條款,接下來會先安裝一些SQL Server安裝時需要的檔案。





雖然畫面上明白寫著「Microsoft建議您每個SQL Server 服務都使用個別的帳戶」,
可以點選畫面上的"所有SQL Server服務都使用相同的帳戶"

其中有一項SQL Full-text Filter Daemon Launcher的啟動類型被定義為手動且不可變更,
因為Foundation Server在安裝過程中是會檢查這一項。

和過去不一樣的是現在安裝時至少要指定一個SQL Server的管理員。

Analysis Services組態,同樣在這兒至少也要選擇一位指定的人員。

Reporting Services組態,在Foundation Server中一定會使用到Reporting Service,在Team Foundation 的安裝指引中提到在這兒是選擇安裝但不設定報表伺服器,因為安裝Team Foundation的過程中就會去設定報表伺服器了。


在經過上述的設定之後,SQL 2008會在做一次檢查,這次是針對之前所選擇的安裝項目。同樣的在檢查之後會給清單表列各個項目的檢查結果。

到這裏SQL 2008 Server己經完成所有的準備工作。

沒有什麼問題的話,就直接按下【安裝】,真正開始SQL 2008的安裝吧。




2012年7月22日 星期日

tagBeep 網站斷線自動發 Email、免費 SMS 手機簡訊、桌面通知!


2011/11/12 更新:原本免費發送的 SMS 手機簡訊通知服務,在 tagbeep 網站使用者越來越多之後,由於成本考量,該站已決定停止免費簡訊發送功能,必須另外花錢購買才能使用 SMS 簡訊通知功能。其他功能沒有影響。
經過長時間測試,tagbeep 不管在網站檢測、Email 通知或 SMS 簡訊通知等功能都還蠻穩定、可靠的,真的有需求的話,還是可以付費購買。

很久之前曾經介紹過 Uptime Robot 線上服務以及 Karen’s Net MonitorConnection MonitorCheck HostWebsite Load Tool…等監控軟體,都是相當不錯的工具與服務。前兩天才發現原來還有個 tagBeep 免費線上服務,除了可以提供 Email 與 桌面通知之外,還提供了免費 SMS 手機簡訊通知服務,讓我們不管有沒有在電腦前面,都可隨時得知網站是否斷線或停止運作。
tagBeep 免費服務一次可以設定很多筆網站監控任務,每個網址或 IP 的監控記錄中除了斷線、上線的時刻與持續時間之外,還提供「Response time」統計與線圖,讓我們得知從美國與歐洲等地網路連線到你的網站的反應時間是否太長。此外還提供詳細的「Test results log」讓我們得知 DNS lookup、Connect time、Server responded 與 Transfer time...等等連線細節。對於網站站長來說,算是一個相當實用的伺服器連線監控小工具。
其實這網站最方便的就是它的免費 SMS 簡訊通知功能了,每次斷線、上線時都會自動通知,從網站斷線到收到簡訊幾乎不會超過一分鐘(使用中華電信的門號測試,其他電信業者未測試),真的相當方便。

  • 網站名稱:tagBeep
  • 網站網址:http://tagbeep.com/
  • 桌面通知程式:按這裡
  • Google Chrome 擴充套件:按這裡
  • 一、使用方法:

    第1步  tagBeep 首頁,按「Sign Up for Free!」免費註冊一個帳號即可使用。

    第2步  註冊、登入網站後,按「Add your fisrt check now」或右邊的「Add uptime check」新增你要監控的網址或 IP。

    第3步  「Name」欄位請輸入你的網站名稱或網址,強烈建議使用英文或數字,如果寫中文字的話,收到簡訊通知時會是亂碼
    接著請在「Webpage Uri」方框中填上你的網站網址或IP(限填一筆),「Resolution」欄位可以設定檢查網站狀態的時間間隔,一般是 5 分鐘即可。如果你的網站運作比較慢,可以在「Max load time」欄位中設定一個較長的時間,避免網站還沒讀完就被認為是掛點。

    第4步  捲動頁面到下方有個「Content checks」可以讓 tagBeep 自動檢查網頁中是否有讀到指定字串,如果沒有特殊需求的話,這邊可以不用填寫。

    第5步  另外在「Alert options」裡面可以設定該筆監控任務要啟用哪些通知服務,如果你希望網站斷線時會自動發出簡訊通知你的話,請勾「Alert via sms」並記得先設定好你的手機號碼。
    全部設定好之後,按下「Add check」按鈕,即可新增完成。以後網站掛點的時候,就可依照你所設定的方式用 Email 或簡訊通知你(每天最多 5 筆免費 SMS 簡訊通知)。

    第6步  如果你希望能收到簡訊通知,記得在「Settings」裡面設定你的手機號碼。
    目前 tagBeep 網站提供兩個不同服務商的簡訊發送服務,記得設定好手機號碼之後,先按「Send test sms」按鈕,測試看看能否收到簡訊,如果兩個服務商發出的簡訊你都收不到,那就沒法使用 SMS 簡訊通知功能了。

    第7步  當網站斷線或掛點時,除了 Email 之外,還可用手機接收簡訊通知。


     第1步  登入網站後,我們可以在「Checks」頁面中看到目前已經設定的監控任務,按一下右邊的「more info」即可檢視監控統計與相關資訊。另外,也可隨時按暫停或重新檢查。

    第2步  「Alert log」裡面記錄了網站斷線、再度上線的時間與持續時間。「Response time」裡面則記錄了網站連線時的回應速度。

    第3步  「Test results log」則記錄了網站連線的細節與相關資訊。按右邊的「Edit check」可以修改監控任務的內容或網站名稱、IP與監控間隔及通知方式。

    2012年7月19日 星期四


    應該很多人都會使用這項功能,但是遇到網管封Port或擔心被人入侵,就必須改Terminal Server的TCP port了,預設是TCP 3389,修改方式如下:
    2.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\Wds\Repwd\Tds\Tcp中的PortNumber用十進位改成你想要的Port。
    3.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\RDP-Tcp中的PortNumber用十進位改成你想要的Port。
    4.記得修改防火牆上的設定,新增一個連接埠,輸入剛剛TCP Port。
    至於client端就只要在後面加上192.168.0.1:xxxx,xxxx為剛設的TCP Port,這樣就可以正常使用了。

    梅子與牧童叔: 在 Windows Server 2008 上面架設 FTP Server

    梅子與牧童叔: 在 Windows Server 2008 上面架設 FTP Server: 原本不想架的,但總不能每次都用 Dropbox 。之前因為是架在 Windows XP 上,相對不太穩定,現在已經換 Windows Server 2008,所以決定再給它一次機會了!

    2012年7月18日 星期三

    How to configure Virtual Directory accounts in IIS 7.5 with FTP7.5

    Article from: http://learn.iis.net/page.aspx/309/configuring-ftp-firewall-settings-in-iis-7/#UseFTP


    IIS 7.5The FTP 7.5 service ships as a feature for IIS 7.5 in Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2.
    IIS 7.0The FTP 7.0 and FTP 7.5 services were shipped out-of-band for IIS 7.0, which required downloading and installing the service from the following URL: http://www.iis.net/download/FTP.


    Microsoft has created a new FTP service that has been completely rewritten for Windows Server® 2008. This FTP service incorporates many new features that enable web authors to publish content better than before, and offers web administrators more security and deployment options.
    This document walks you through configuring the firewall settings for the new FTP server. It contains:


    The following items are required to be installed to complete the procedures in this article:
    1. IIS 7 must be installed on your Windows 2008 Server, and Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager must be installed.
    2. The new FTP service. You can download and install the FTP service from the http://www.iis.net/ web site using one of the following links:
    3. You must create a root folder for FTP publishing:
      • Create a folder at "%SystemDrive%\inetpub\ftproot"
      • Set the permissions to allow anonymous access:
        • Open a command prompt.
        • Type the following command:
          ICACLS "%SystemDrive%\inetpub\ftproot" /Grant IUSR:R /T
        • Close the command prompt.
    Important Notes:
    • The settings listed in this walkthrough specify "%SystemDrive%\inetpub\ftproot" as the path to your FTP site. You are not required to use this path; however, if you change the location for your site you will have to change the site-related paths that are used throughout this walkthrough.
    • Once you have configured your firewall settings for the FTP service, you must configure your firewall software or hardware to allow connections through the firewall to your FTP server.
      • If you are using the built-in Windows Firewall, see the (Optional) Step 3: Configure Windows Firewall Settings section of this walkthrough.
      • If you are using a different firewall, please consult the documentation that was provided with your firewall software or hardware.

    Use the FTP Site Wizard to Create an FTP Site With Anonymous Authentication

    In this section you, create a new FTP site that can be opened for Read-only access by anonymous users. To do so, use the following steps:
    1. Go to IIS 7 Manager. In the Connections pane, click the Sites node in the tree.
    2. Right-click the Sites node in the tree and click Add FTP Site, or click Add FTP Site in the Actions pane.
    3. When the Add FTP Site wizard appears:
      • Enter "My New FTP Site" in the FTP site name box, then navigate to the "%SystemDrive%\inetpub\ftproot" folder that you created in the Prerequisites section. Note: If you choose to type in the path to your content folder, you can use environment variables in your paths.
      • Click Next.
    4. On the next page of the wizard:
      • Choose an IP address for your FTP site from the IP Address drop-down, or choose to accept the default selection of "All Unassigned." Because you will be accessing this FTP site remotely, you want to make sure that you do not restrict access to the local server and enter the local loopback IP address for your computer by typing "" in the IP Address box.
      • You would normally enter the TCP/IP port for the FTP site in the Port box. For this walk-through, you will choose to accept the default port of 21.
      • For this walkthrough, you do not use a host name, so make sure that the Virtual Host box is blank.
      • Make sure that the Certificates drop-down is set to "Not Selected" and that the Allow SSL option is selected.
      • Click Next.
    5. On the next page of the wizard:
      • Select Anonymous for the Authentication settings.
      • For the Authorization settings, choose "Anonymous users" from the Allow access to drop-down. Select Read for the Permissions option.
      • Click Finish.
    6. Go to IIS 7 Manager. Click the node for the FTP site that you created. The icons for all of the FTP features display.


    To recap the items that you completed in this step:
    1. You created a new FTP site named "My New FTP Site", with the site's content root at "%SystemDrive%\inetpub\ftproot".
    2. You bound the FTP site to the local loopback address for your computer on port 21, choosing not to use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) for the FTP site.
    3. You created a default rule for the FTP site to allow anonymous users "Read" access to the files.

    Step 1: Configure the Passive Port Range for the FTP Service

    In this section, you configure the server-level port range for passive connections to the FTP service. Use the following steps:
    1. Go to IIS 7 Manager. In the Connections pane, click the server-level node in the tree.
    2. Double-click the FTP Firewall Support icon in the list of features.
    3. Enter a range of values for the Data Channel Port Range.
    4. Once you have entered the port range for your FTP service, click Apply in the Actions pane to save your configuration settings.
    1. The valid range for ports is 1024 through 65535. (Ports from 1 through 1023 are reserved for use by system services.)
    2. You can enter a special port range of "0-0" to configure the FTP server to use the Windows TCP/IP dynamic port range.
    3. For additional information, please see the following Microsoft Knowledge Base articles:
    4. This port range will need to be added to the allowed settings for your firewall server.

    Step 2: Configure the external IPv4 Address for a Specific FTP Site

    In this section, you configure the external IPv4 address for the specific FTP site that you created earlier. Use the following steps:
    1. Go to IIS 7 Manager. In the Connections pane, click the FTP site that you created earlier in the tree, Double-click the FTP Firewall Support icon in the list of features.
    2. Enter the IPv4 address of the external-facing address of your firewall server for the External IP Address of Firewall setting.
    3. Once you have entered the external IPv4 address for your firewall server, click Apply in the Actions pane to save your configuration settings.


    To recap the items that you completed in this step:
    1. You configured the passive port range for your FTP service.
    2. You configured the external IPv4 address for a specific FTP site.

    (Optional) Step 3: Configure Windows Firewall Settings

    Windows Server 2008 contains a built-in firewall service to help secure your server from network threats. If you choose to use the built-in Windows Firewall, you will need to configure your settings so that FTP traffic can pass through the firewall.
    There are a few different configurations to consider when using the FTP service with the Windows Firewall - whether you will use active or passive FTP connections, and whether you will use unencrypted FTP or use FTP over SSL (FTPS). Each of these configurations are described below.
    Note: You will need to make sure that you follow the steps in this section walkthrough while logged in as an administrator. This can be accomplished by one of the following methods:
    • Logging in to your server using the actual account named "Administrator".
    • Logging on using an account with administrator privileges and opening a command-prompt by right-clicking the Command Prompt menu item that is located in the Accessories menu for Windows programs and selecting "Run as administrator".
    One of the above steps is required because the User Account Control (UAC) security component in the Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 operating systems prevents administrator access to your firewall settings. For more information about UAC, please see the following documentation:
    Note: While Windows Firewall can be configured using the Windows Firewall applet in the Windows Control Panel, that utility does not have the required features to enable all of the features for FTP. The Windows Firewall with Advanced Security utility that is located under Administrative Tools in the Windows Control Panel has all of the required features to enable the FTP features, but in the interests of simplicity this walkthrough will describe how to use the command-line Netsh.exe utility to configure the Windows Firewall.

    Using Windows Firewall with non-secure FTP traffic

    To configure Windows Firewall to allow non-secure FTP traffic, use the following steps:
    1. Open a command prompt: click Start, then All Programs, then Accessories, then Command Prompt.
    2. To open port 21 on the firewall, type the following syntax then hit enter:
      netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="FTP (non-SSL)" action=allow protocol=TCP dir=in localport=21
    3. To enable stateful FTP filtering that will dynamically open ports for data connections, type the following syntax then hit enter:
      netsh advfirewall set global StatefulFtp enable
    Important Notes:
    • Active FTP connections would not necessarily covered by the above rules; an outbound connection from port 20 would also need to be enabled on server. In addition, the FTP client machine would need to have its own firewall exceptions setup for inbound traffic.
    • FTP over SSL (FTPS) will not be covered by these rules; the SSL negotiation will most likely fail because the Windows Firewall filter for stateful FTP inspection will not be able to parse encrypted data. (Some 3rd-party firewall filters recognize the beginning of SSL negotiation, e.g. AUTH SSL or AUTH TLS commands, and return an error to prevent SSL negotiation from starting.)

    Using Windows Firewall with secure FTP over SSL (FTPS) traffic

    The stateful FTP packet inspection in Windows Firewall will most likely prevent SSL from working because Windows Firewall filter for stateful FTP inspection will not be able to parse the encrypted traffic that would establish the data connection. Because of this behavior, you will need to configure your Windows Firewall settings for FTP differently if you intend to use FTP over SSL (FTPS). The easiest way to configure Windows Firewall to allow FTPS traffic is to list the FTP service on the inbound exception list. The full service name is the "Microsoft FTP Service", and the short service name is "ftpsvc". (The FTP service is hosted in a generic service process host (Svchost.exe) so it is not possible to put it on the exception list though a program exception.)
    To configure Windows Firewall to allow secure FTP over SSL (FTPS) traffic, use the following steps:
    1. Open a command prompt: click Start, then All Programs, then Accessories, then Command Prompt.
    2. To configure the firewall to allow the FTP service to listen on all ports that it opens, type the following syntax then hit enter:
      netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="FTP for IIS7" service=ftpsvc action=allow protocol=TCP dir=in
    3. To disable stateful FTP filtering so that Windows Firewall will not block FTP traffic, type the following syntax then hit enter:
      netsh advfirewall set global StatefulFtp disable

    More Information about Working with Firewalls

    It is often challenging to create firewall rules for FTP server to work correctly, and the root cause for this challenge lies in the FTP protocol architecture. Each FTP client requires two connections to be maintained between client and server:
    • FTP commands are transferred over a primary connection called the Control Channel, which is typically the well-known FTP port 21.
    • FTP data transfers, such as directory listings or file upload/download, require a secondary connection called Data Channel.
    Opening port 21 in a firewall is an easy task, but this means that an FTP client will only be able to send commands, not transfer data. This means that the client will be able to use the Control Channel to successfully authenticate and create or delete directories, but the client will not be able to see directory listings or be able to upload/download files. This is because data connections for FTP server are not allowed to pass through the firewall until the Data Channel has been allowed through the firewall.
    Note: This may appear confusing to an FTP client, because the client will seem to be able to successfully log in to the server, but the connection may appear to timeout or stop responding when attempting to retrieve a directory listing from the server.
    The challenges of working with FTP and firewalls doesn't end with the requirement of a secondary data connection; to complicate things even more, there are actually two different ways on how to establish data connection:
    • Active Data Connections: In an active data connection, an FTP client sets up a port for data channel listening and the server initiates a connection to the port; this is typically from the server's port 20. Active data connections used to be the default way of connecting to FTP server; however, active data connections are no longer recommended because they do not work well in Internet scenarios.
    • Passive Data Connections: In a passive data connection, an FTP server sets up a port for data channel listening and the client initiates a connection to the port. Passive connections work much better in Internet scenarios and recommended by RFC 1579 (Firewall-Friendly FTP).
    Note: Some FTP clients require explicit action to enable passive connections, and some clients don't even support passive connections. (One such example is command-line Ftp.exe utility that ships with Windows.) To add to the confusion, some clients attempt to intelligently alternate between the two modes when network errors happen, but unfortunately this does not always work.
    Some firewalls try to remedy problems with data connections with built-in filters that scan FTP traffic and dynamically allow data connections through the firewall. These firewall filters are able to detect what ports are going to be used for data transfers and temporarily open them on firewall so that clients can open data connections. (Some firewalls may enable filtering FTP traffic by default, but it is not always the case.) This type of filtering  is known as a type of Stateful Packet Inspection (SPI) or Stateful Inspection, meaning that the firewall is capable of intelligently determine the type of traffic and dynamically choose how to respond. Many firewalls now employ these features, including the built-in Windows Firewall.
    For information regarding Microsoft's Windows Firewall software, please see the following topics on Microsoft's web sites:

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